It's ironic that my last blog post literally had the word PROCRASTINATION in it and here I am just now posting, not weeks but MONTHS LATER!
*hiding head in shame*
But I'm here now and based on my nine-thousandth time reviewing it for errors or overall lameness, it promises NOT to disappoint!
Jumping on in, I've put together an outline of 2019 - recapping noteworthy personal and business events: some of which include goat happenings and new hires to Arrange! I'll be sharing some of the ideas I've got cookin' for 2020 as well as what is already on the books!
If nothing else, this blog should keep me accountable to the following things:
1. Having a heart of gratitude for the amazing company I get to call mine and all that has been accomplished so far!
2. Showing my gratitude to my people (customers and team) by sharing and launching what I have planned!
So if in passing you've maybe wondered how my brain works, here's a peek at the, what I like to call, organized chaos! There's something here for everyone! Enjoy!
Okay, so first up: the 2019 outline of occurrences!
We launched our new website! It's now showing all the companies we proudly serve and much more. Can't wait to put a map up that shows not just WHO we work with but WHERE all we work now! We're even in Canada!
Arrange (& the Rainey's) moved to the Texas Hill Country! Kanga and Roo are truly living their best life and so are Kyle and I. They've got two doggy doors (one in the house and one in the studio) so that "squirrel duty" is super efficient for them. Lot's of barbecues, bonfires, messes and memories have already been made in our new home!
MARCH 2019
We finished out the Arrange Studio! I have an amazing view of the hill country from it and can actually see "Twin Sisters" (hills that have been named that), from my desk. Kyle made my 9 foot desk out of concrete and this space has become such a haven for me to create, meditate and focus on serving my clients. It's hard for me to leave it most days!!
APRIL 2019
I created this freebie: The Best Moving Guide Ever! Aaaaand this has totally come in handy for Kyle's parents as they are..... MOVING TO THE HILL COUNTRY WITH US! *SURPRIIIIISE* We are so excited! And in case you missed it on social media - Kyle's mom - queen of all things sales and relationships, will be helping me (already is) to continue grow Arrange! It's not often that you get along well enough to live near your mother in law, much less work together! We are so blessed to have the relationship that we do. Y'all get ready!
MAY 2019
We brought the goaties to their new home & shortly after we watched and helped bring the two twins, Lilith and Maris into the world! (Life changing!) They are all so spunky and each have their own personality! Trudy is the momma and has the big horns - Roz is the "red head" - Daphne has dappled ears and is the same size/age as Roz - and finally the twins! Lilith is more outgoing since she was my bottle baby - Maris is so sassy and loves playing with the dogs and bouncing down the hill for part of our backyard!

JUNE 2019
Arrange hired another designer! We now have gals in 5 states. One of the best things about being a business owner is linking arms with others to help create the lives they want! Students, stay at home moms, and fellow entrepreneurs are what make up this company and I wouldn't have it any other way!
JULY 2019
I stopped being (so) afraid to share my face on the internet! Still hesitant and definitely more on the rare side that I post a picture of myself. Planning to get better at this but in the meantime here is a photo shot by my sister CJ while doing something else uncommon for me - wearing a hat!

We went to Cali for a software development meeting! Technology has always fascinated me, as a kid it was CD-ROM's and Palm Pilots, as a student it was 3D modeling programs and the Adobe Creative suites, as a professional it's creating realistic marketing tools and and efficient workflows! The California trip was full of high level and hi-tech conversations about how to bring this business full circle. Such good stuff!
Arrange launched 3D Interior Renderings! I've been getting so many requests lately about modeling work. No not like "super-model/fashion-model" type thing! Ha! But rather, businesses are approaching me about being able market their homes in 3D before being put on the market - instead of waiting for the project to be completed, cleaned, photographed and THEN finally, virually staged. Meaning, that handing Arrange a floor plan and set of finishes, all those steps leading up to virtual staging can be skipped. So much time and money saved and such a beautiful marketing piece to show off the project and draw in potential home buyers! I'm so excited to be working with some rockstar builders like DR Horton on this already and after a great coffee date, starting up some fun work with Chesmar Homes this year! Shout out to my ladies Whitney and Stefani!
We staged several gorgeous farmhouse projects in Tennessee this past year! I must give a shout out the amazing Carbine & Associates who create and uncover such beautiful homes and on top of that Kristen sends them my way for some "virtual clean-up" and virtual staging. Don't just take my word for it, check outt the before and after photos!
The Rainey's went to Vegas for a game changing conference! As investments always are, we 'gambled' and attended this event and it's already paying off! Brandon Cooper has built a really neat community called PFRE (evident by the successful turnout of his first annual conference hosted!) If you're a real estate photographer you NEED to know PFRE! I made some amazing connections and I have a good feeling that some great collaborating is just around the corner!
Arrange became a team of 8 amazing ladies this past year! And every single one of them has a heart of solid gold! They care greatly about their team and about their work - must be why our teamwork works! More team growth is already on the 2020 horizon and I can't wait to reveal it you as it happens! In the meantime, for the month of February, here's a virtual staging promo code for 15% off from us to you: Use FAB15 during checkout!
And iiiiiin closing... here are a few things I plan to touch on in the coming blog posts - in case you're dying of suspense like I am! *wink wink*
Things to watch for:
An updated virtual staging checkout!
New Boards and flyer layouts — thinking you will love these Amy McGee!
Arrange will be doing another wounded warrior home furnishing project!
Packages for Rendering & Staging combos will be launched soon!
Collaborations with Jan Copeland’s real estate community!
Our style quiz is getting a makeover!
Places we’ll go:
Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and probably Hawaii!
Random-ish goals I have that, to be honest,
I just need to put "out into the universe" for my own accountability:
Start a podcast.
Open an online store.
Create a closing gift resource.
Launch holiday decor styling.
Make a Rainey cook book.
Rollout my insider program.
Thanks for following along on this blog and on my journey in life as an entrepreneur, designer, dog mom, aspiring farm girl (chickens coming soon)!
Also, in case you want to know 3 things I've bought lately:
Okay byyyyyyyyye!